18 Apr

We need to remind our tyrannical Democrats that a well-armed population has the power to stop tyrannical governments. Our country was founded by such a battle, where a well-armed population succeeded in stopping tyranny and founded a government of the people.  

Over the past few years Democrats have slowly tightened their grip on power, cancelling those who criticize them and intimidating citizens who may not agree with them.  Here’s how we fight back. 

Stop the threat when you first notice it – 

When it comes to tyrants like the Democratic party, prevention is certainly better than the cure, so early action is something that must be done.  The moment you notice your government using any form of hate speech to debase a group, white men, Republicans, gun owners, pro-lifers for example, is the moment to speak out, confront and withdraw support. 

Spread the truth with facts – 

Facts may be an endangered species these days, but they are crucial to ensuring that tyrannical Democrats do not get away with propagating a false version of events.  Start with your friends, colleagues, and neighbors by having conversations and backing up what you say with the truth that is verifiable.  Don’t offer an opinion without facts.  That’s what Democrats do.

Sharing information through online platforms like Facebook, Gab, Parler, and Twitter (until Twitter kicks you off) are also encouraged.  Since Democrats control most of the media and tech companies,  the only weapon against dictatorships is the internet. 

Assume everyone, even allies, are lying to you – 

In the fake news era, the pursuit of truth has never been given so much coverage. You should start from a baseline assumption that everyone is lying to you, even your political allies. The way to counter this is to check, double-check and authenticate everything.  Encourage those who disagree with you to do their own fact checking, and not to rely on others for fact checking. 

Protect the judicial system – 

Keep a close eye on your justice system.  The current attempt by tyrannical Democrats to pack the Supreme Court is a direct assault on our Constitutional rights and protections.  Democrats need the courts in order to further their tyrannical hold on the people. This will result in a system where no one dares rule against the ruling tyrants.  

Don’t wait for tyrants to leave, they won’t – 

Fight against tyranny.  Do not wait for them to leave, because they won’t.  People were naïve about Biden.  They didn’t believe he would turn into a socialist, but he has, and now it’s to late. You may expect leaders to step down after free and fair elections, but if the elections are corrupt, as they were in 2020, they will do whatever it takes to cling on to power.  We see that now with the Democrats attempts at packing the courts, nationalizing how people vote, allowing illegals to vote, and demonizing those who fight back. 

Freedom needs to be constantly protected from tyrants.  You can’t just assume that Americans will always be free.   Democrats, BLM, Antifa, the media, big tech, corporate America are all out to silence and destroy those who disagree with them and their tactics.  That is why we must fight, and continue to fight.  

Never give up, never give in, never allow the government or groups to intimidate you.  When we give up our right to free speech and dissent, we give up everything and the war is lost. There will be battles won and lost on the road to protecting our rights, but if we keep getting back up and continue the fight, we will win against America’s tyrants.

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